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World Peace and Harmony: An Inspiration from Water

We all know that 70% of our body is made of water. From Dr. Emoto’s experiment, we understand the idea that if we have a virtuous thought, water will respond positively. Therefore, if all the cells in our body are virtuous, our body will stay healthy. There is no need to take any medicine even though we are ill. The unhealthy cells will automatically gradually recover from illness.

If we have an evil thought, a selfish mind, an arrogant thought, then the water will respond negatively and directly influence our body. This inspiration elaborates well on the idea that “All phenomena arise from our minds. Our environment changes according to our mind.” Our body is the closest phenomenon and environment to our mind.

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Ven. Master Chin Kung’s speeches To keep our mind pure and at peace is like keeping a pond clean and undis­turbed.


Buddhism is a most virtuous and perfect education directed by the Buddha towards all sentient beings in the universe.


Traditional Chinese Culture - Saints and Sages’ Education that Inspires “Wisdom, Benevolence, and Courage”

One Humanity Many Faiths

The universe and we share the same root and that all creations and we are one entity.

One Humanity, Many Faiths

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