- The Governing Principles of Ancient China – Qunshu Zhiyao 360 (Volume 3) Chinese – English
The Governing Principles of Ancient China Volume 3—Based on 360 passages excerpted from the original compilation of Qunshu Zhiyao (Compilation of Books and Writings on the Important Governing Principles).
- The Governing Principles of Ancient China – Qunshu Zhiyao 360 (Volume 2) Chinese – French
Le Qunshu Zhiyao est une compilation de conseils, deméthodes, et de notes historiques retraçant les succès etles échecs des gouvernements impériaux de la Chine.
- The Governing Principles of Ancient China – Qunshu Zhiyao 360 (Volume 1) Chinese – Italy
Il Qunshu Zhiyao, ovvero “Istruzioni per il buon governo”, è una raccolta antologica che contiene esortazioni, spiegazioni storiche, metodi pratici legati al sapere e alla saggezza del governare della Cina antica, e racchiude, attraverso
- The Governing Principles of Ancient China – Qunshu Zhiyao 360 (Volume 1) Chinese – Vietnam
“Quần Thư Trị Yếu” là sự kết tập trí tuệ, phương pháp, kinh nghiệm và hiệu quả trong việc tu thân tề gia trị quốc bình thiên hạ của cổ thánh tiên vương.
- The Governing Principles of Ancient China – Qunshu Zhiyao 360 (Volume 1) Chinese – Russia
«Цюньшу Чжияо» - это собрание книг и сочинений, посвященное идее, методам, опытам и эффекту самосовершенствования, учреждения хорошего порядка в своей семье,
- The Governing Principles of Ancient China – Qunshu Zhiyao 360 (Volume 1) Chinese – Spain
A principios de la Era de Zhenguan, el emperador Taizong (599–649), de la dinastía Tang, decretó que Qunshu Zhiyao (La Recopilación de los Libros y Escrituras sobre los Principios de Gobierno) fuera recopilado.
- The Governing Principles of Ancient China – Qunshu Zhiyao 360 (Volume 1) Chinese – French
Au début de l’ère Zhengguan, l’empereur Taizong (599- 649) de la dynastie Tang ordonna la compilation du Qunshu Zhiyao ( composé d’extraits de livres et d’écrits sur des principes essentiels de gouvernance ).
- Learning Compilation of Books and Writings on the Important Governing Principles: Undertaking the Mission to Save the World
The only way to save the world is to return to the traditional teachings of the saints and sages.
- The Complete Library of the Four Branches of Literature
The purpose of compiling the Complete Library of the Four Branches of Literature during the QIng Dynasty was to collect all the different types of books from across the country.