The Art of Learning Never tire of learning for it will subdue our bad habits; never tire of teaching for it will educate...
Making Friends Confucius said: “There are three kinds of friendship which are beneficial and three kinds of frien...
Be Discreet Be warned! Do not talk too much. Much talk incurs much trouble. Do not be too inquisitive. Much pryi...
Humility The book of Xiang Zhuan states that: “A diligent and humble superior person draws admiration and r...
Righting Oneself A superior person must first and foremost be an exemplar of integrity in his official duties. Giving...
Be Sincere and Trustworthy Heaven and earth are bound within the natural order, but when actualities are absent they cannot tra...
Benevolence and Righteousness If there is one word that you should hold permanently to your heart, it is this word, Shu—“What ...
Filial Piety and Kinship If one were able to perfect his filial piety and attention to fraternal duties, he would move the go...
Nominating the Right Administrators A loyal official will nominate a competent person for an important post even if that person is his f...